Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Through the BiciUAB Community you can keep informed of news related to bicycle and UAB Campus. If you are interested in registering, just fill in the following form:
DATA PROTECTION: Your personal data will be treating for planning and managing UAB's Bellaterra campus mobility. The treatment of your data does not involve automated decisions, nor the development of profiles with predictive purposes of personal preference, behaviors or attitudes. In accordance to current legislation, you may revoke your consent at some time and exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletions, oppositions, limitation of the treatment and portability by request addressed to responsible unit for the treatment (mobilitat@uab.cat). For further information about personal data protection, you can check: https://webedit.uab.cat/web/data-protection/general-regulation-on-data-protection-1345796337901.html