Enrolment request to Language Service courses

Using this form you can request your enrolment in the Language Service courses for the academic year 2021-2022.

Due to the number of places of the courses being limited, requests will be attended by rigorous order or reception.
Please remember to check the requirements for the desired course before filling the form.

When we check that all information and documents indicated are correct and fulfills the requirements, in case the enrolment has no cost for the students, it will be formalized. In case that the enrolment has a cost for the student, we will contact you to indicate the payment instructions. Once the payment is received, the enrolment will be formalized.

* If you want to enrol in a virtual course, you need to request it in the following link: https://eformularis.uab.cat/web/adminsdl/matricula-virtual

If you need information about the courses or the level tests please check our website.

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* In case of selecting the payment in instalments, you will have to attach in the form the following document filled and signed: https://www.uab.cat/doc/SEPA2. The payment of the first instalment, which will be of a sum superior to the rest, will be done in the moment of enrolment. The rest of the price will be paid by direct debit, according to the number of instalments indicated, from the fifth day of the following months.
The minimum amount for the direct debit instalments will be of 100 euros. If the number of instalments requested is higher than those available for the chosen course, the higher number of possible instalments will be applied.

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Enrolment terms

I authorise the Language Service-UAB Idiomes of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to make an audio recording of the speaking test for the certificate exam, which may be used in the event of an appeal, and to play this recording back for training purposes. Pursuant to Spanish Royal Decree 1/1996, approving the recast text of the law on intellectual property, this assignment of rights is free of charge and of unlimited duration, and the author retains all rights afforded by this law.
The enrolment will be annulled if the payment is not done from the moment that you receive the payment instructions. Refunds of course fees can only be made if a course is cancelled or by explicit, written request on the part of the applicant, addressed to the Language Service administration and submitted before 10% of the course has been delivered since the moment of enrolment. In the latter case, the Language Service will refund the amount paid, except for the administrative charges.
If the enrolment fees are to be paid in instalments, the person enrolling on the course agrees to pay each instalment within the period set out in the corresponding payment form. Otherwise, the student will be considered to be in default of payment to the Language Service and no certificate will be issued to him/her until the debt is settled. In the case of returned direct debits, the costs are charged to the student. Once 10% of the course has been delivered, the enrolment fees may not be refunded, either totally or partially.
Requests for a change of time slot or group must be made to the administration and the change, subject to the availability of places, explicitly authorised.
UAB Idiomes reserves the right to change the start date of a course or to cancel it if the number of enrolments is insufficient, in which case our only commitment is to a complete refund of payments made.

Data protection

Sus datos personales se incorporarán al fichero Winzen de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, con domicilio en la calle de la Vall Moronta s/n, de Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès, 08193). De conformidad con el Reglamento general de protección de datos, le informamos de que los datos personales facilitados serán tratados por el Servicio de Lenguas de la UAB (UAB Idiomas Campus) con la finalidad de comunicar y promover sus actividades y sus cursos y para gestionar la matrícula. La base legal para el tratamiento de estos datos es su consentimiento. Estos datos pueden ser comunicados a entidades vinculadas a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona para las mismas finalidades. En cualquier momento puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación y portabilidad ante el Servicio de Lenguas de la UAB mediante la dirección s.llengues.info@uab.cat. Consulte en detalle la normativa de protección de datos de UAB Idiomes Campus:


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