Application for Enrolment on Online Courses 2024-2025

Use this form to apply for enrolment on Language Service online courses in 2024-2025.

Dexway Platform

These courses have no level requirements. The license to use the Dexway Online Platform is valid for one year from the time of enrolment on a non-tutored self-learning programme.

Regardless of the level recommended as a result of the language test that you can take on the platform, you will have access to online materials for all the available levels of that language, thereby allowing you to progress at your own pace.

Once the license has been registered, no refund can be made under any circumstances.

The course has no final assessment and no level certificate will be issued. However, a document confirming the hours spent on the platform will be provided, without any specification of level.

The Platform

These courses are offered in the self-learning modality through the online platform. Students are provided with 2 hours of online tutoring by UAB Language Service teachers; this includes the correction of two activities.

Registration on the platform is obligatory.

These courses have no final assessment and no certificate is issued.


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You may select more than one Language. However, for Catalan, you cannot enrol in two distinct levels at the same time.


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Acknowledgement of receipt of this application does not under any circumstances mean that you have successfully reserved a place.
The Language Service reserves the right to change the start date of the course or cancel it if the minimum number of registered students is not achieved, without any obligation other than a full refund of the amount paid.
When registering, the person concerned authorises the Language Service - UAB Idiomes at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to make an audio recording of the oral test part of the accreditation exam as well as any exam revisions, which may be used in the event of a complaint; and to play the recorded sound for educational purposes. In accordance with Royal Decree 1/1996, which approves the revised text of the Law on Intellectual Property, this transfer of rights is free of charge and is made for an indefinite period, and the author retains all the rights granted by this law.
Registration will be cancelled if payment is not made within the period and in the manner stipulated by the Language Service. For payment in instalments, the interested party must pay the deferred amounts by the due dates specified by the Language Service; if the direct debit payments are returned, they must also pay all the costs incurred due to non-payment; if non-payment is confirmed, they lose all rights associated with registration and the Language Service reserves the right to add them to the defaulters list.
The registration fee will only be refunded in the event the course is cancelled or if the interested party fails to attend the course if they explicitly request this in writing to the Language Service before 10% of the course has elapsed. In the latter case, the Service will refund the amount paid, excluding the amount to cover administrative fees. Once 10% of the course has elapsed, no refunds of the registration fee will be given, either total or partial, except for duly justified reasons of force majeure, which must be analysed by the Director of the Language Service.
For scheduled exams, the amount paid will be refunded, excluding administrative fees, only if you make a request to the Director of the Language Service before the reservation period for the different parts of the exam begins. For other types of exams, the Director of the Language Service will consider each application on an individual basis.
For online courses, it is not possible to cancel your registration once you have paid.
If you wish to request a change of timetable or group, you must submit a request to the Administration Office and this cannot be considered granted without the necessary authorisation, which is subject to the existence of free places in the alternative group.


Your personal data will be included in the NEMI file held by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, located at Carrer Vall Moronta s/n, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès, 08193). In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, we hereby inform you that the personal data provided will be processed by the UAB Language Service (UAB Idiomes Campus) in order to communicate and promote its activities and courses, and to manage enrolment. The legal basis for the processing of this data is your consent. This data may be communicated to entities linked to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona for the same purposes herein indicated. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability at any time by contacting the UAB Language Service at . To consult the UAB Idiomes Campus data protection rules in detail, please access Data protection

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