Language Service courses enquiry

If you want more information about any of the courses of the UAB Language Service, you can send us your question by filling this form.

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Data protection

In accordance with the General Regulation on Data Protection, you are informed that the personal details you give on this form will be processed by UAB Idiomes Campus for the purpose of communicating and promoting its activities and courses. Your consent forms the legal basis for the processing of these data. These data may be communicated to the Foundation of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona or other entities associated with it for the same purpose. You may at any time exercise tour right to rectification, suppression, opposition, limitation and portability by writing to UAB Idiomes Campus at

In accordance with the provision of article 22 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on services of the information society and electronic commerce, if you wish to withdraw your consent you should click on the Unsubscribe button which you will find at the foot of the page on our emails or by contacting us at with the following subject heading: I do not accept emails or other electronic communication from UAB Idiomes Campus.

Check in detail UAB Idiomes Campus' data protection rules:

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